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Out with the Old, In with the New

When I selected Wix to design and host my website in 2011, I was so excited to present my art works as a moving showcase. Stars, highlights, even animated hummingbirds made the site enchanting. Now, to keep up with the times and changing technology, I must exchange it for multiple capabilities on many platforms. It's hard to let go but I still think it's beautiful, user friendly, and a place customers will want to visit time and time again. So if you enjoyed the old, be equally enchanted by the new, it's a different way of looking at things. We at Kathleen A. Wilson & Associates, have new images and new releases for your collecting pleasure. Check out "The Magnificant Theater of Art" and in the Sculpture Gallery, see the new "Passions Rise" inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou.

Let us know what you think of the new design and the new releases... Art of the Spirit

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